There was more than a little nervousness about the ability of airlines to get eight people from different destinations to the Tyrolean town of Schwaz in time for last night’s show. After our Kristiansund cancellation the fears were well founded. However, luck was on our side and we all made it in time to witness torrential rain turn to bright sunshine in time for the show. Against an Alpine backdrop with the sun setting and the moon rising we delivered our punchy set to an eager audience who gave as good as they got. Things don’t get better than this and now we are preparing for our final three shows of the summer, all in Sweden and greatly separated geographically which means one thing - there will be lots of travel, airlines and strikes permitting. For us it’s all in a day’s work.
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Martin Bullard (aka Artem)
Loch Ness Composer
To listen to or purchase any of my albums click on the on the album covers on the Albums page

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Hi, Martin😊
I really hope you come to Sweden. I’m taken the trip from Norway to see two of your shows. Kristiansund was unfortunately cancelled😢. See you in Hamburgsund and Visby😊👍☀️🎸🎼