Denmark has a special place in the hearts of Smokie. We have made four albums here at PUK Studio near Randers and played countless festivals and indoor venues over the years. Our albums from the late 1980’s, “Boulevard of Broken Dreams” and “Whose Are These Boots?” kickstarted our new career here and the tempo has never subsided. Last year’s 6-date tour turned into a 9-date tour this year and now the blueprint for the 2024 tour is close to completion. There was some disappointment at the news that Tobakken in Esbjerg closed its doors for good just three days before our scheduled show but this led to an unscheduled and very enjoyable night on the town. The two shows at Broager Sparekasse Skansen and Aalborg Kongres og Kultur Center were huge successes, prompting the decision that these are two venues that we are most likely to revisit next year. We now interrupt touring for an Easter break, returning on 12th April.
Martin Bullard