Back in Harstad
Just before the pandemic hit Smokie performed just eight shows and Kulturhus at Clarion Hotel Arcticus was one of those, on 15th February...
To listen to or purchase any of my albums click on the on the album covers on the Albums page
Just before the pandemic hit Smokie performed just eight shows and Kulturhus at Clarion Hotel Arcticus was one of those, on 15th February...
It was literally a breath of fresh air to be back in Norway after too long a gap created by the pandemic. With two fresh faces in the...
Think Dublin and you think party, and there is no greater party venue than Vicar Street. It’s three years since we were here yet it seems...
Thank you for all your messages of concern about my one day isolation at Inverness Airport while my colleagues kept the show going in...
To announce changes is surely a good thing because at least there is a tour schedule to start with, unlike during the worst of the...
OK, let’s assume that the pandemic subsides and bands are allowed to travel and work again. Based on this optimistic outlook I have...
For us it has been a very short working year with only eight shows, all of them in the last two months. Terry’s sad news meant we had to...
“The show must go on”, that’s the saying in the entertainment business and it was never more poignant than last night at Orebro’s...
In a way my journey with Smokie all started here because it was a video made at this venue that became my raw material for learning...
My association with this venue goes back over 33 years when it was known just as The Travellers’ Friend. It always attracted large crowds...
On arriving in Killarney there were noticeable changes to the facilities and the way things are done now we are living with the pandemic,...
Just one week ago we still didn’t know if the Irish tour was definitely on because audience capacities were still restricted. Once this...
Being onstage again brought a flood of emotions. Firstly there was the absolute relief at being able to perform again and then there was...
From September 29th the limit on gatherings will be lifted and this means that Smokie will be able to tour in November. For the dates...
I can finally start to add some of the dates when Smokie are due to play and you may find our October plan here on this website. At...
It’s with regret that I have to say that the proposed tour of Denmark has had to be postponed until next year. The logistics of limiting...
Finally I am able to report that touring may be possible soon, initially only in Denmark in May. With Pete Lincoln as our new singer...
I will soon be taking enquiries from anyone who would like to start playing piano or other keyboards. My aim is to introduce the student...
Over the past few weeks Music Manager have been uploading all my albums to iTunes, Spotify and many other digital platforms. I feel very...
The first 5 albums are now online so, whether you want to purchase or just listen, just visit the Albums page and click on the music...